IF Recruitment, has an established online gaming/gaming recruitment division. With a proven background and established networks in supplying predominately permanent IT specialists to market leaders who specialise in both online gaming and the gaming industry both within East Anglia & London.
Both the online gaming/gaming industry is a rapidly evolving and growing technical market that relies on the latest technology to remain competitive.
In particular the market has seen growing trends in:
- Industry Consolidation.
- Business to Business expansion
Emerging platforms means gaming is moving to the same mobile and social platforms that have seen casual and online games become more popular than ever.
Since 2012, IF Recruitment has been activing recruiting specialists in the following areas:
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Autodesk 3DS Max
- Autodesk Maya
- Microsoft Project
- DirectX
- OpenGL
- C++
- C#
- Java
- ActionScript
- .NET
- Cocoa toolkit