December’s Anglia IT Community Event

11 Dec 2015 Technological evolution is integral to the very core of modern culture, its influence touching every aspect of living. Public spheres are altering; the importances of face-to-face relationships within the business sector are no longer vital operations.

Technological evolution is integral to the very core of modern culture, its influence touching every aspect of living. Public spheres are altering; the importances of face-to-face relationships within the business sector are no longer vital operations. Communication in this age of technological dependence is instantaneous and simple. With the integration of mobile phones, e-mails, social networks, tablets and web-conferencing into the modern world, we are never out of reach from another human being whether they are 5 feet away or 5 thousand miles away.

Within the IT sector, the rate of change has never been faster; the skills of today are skills that will no longer be necessary in the future. The ability to stay relevant is vital for the road to success. EACS, an award winning and trusted provider of IT solutions and managed services, brought these issues to the forefront in an event hosted by the Anglia IT Community on the 11th December at Bury St. Edmunds. A synopsis of the event noted that:

“Automation and machine learning are key drivers for businesses to be operationally efficient. The net result is that the administration tasks of today, such as passwords resets, account creation etc. will become a thing of the past and evolve to a model of self service. IT teams will look very different in the future. The perception of IT being a few nerds that sit in a darkened room talking in a language that nobody understands will change. Educational changes will eventually see a rise in the uptake of girls actively pursuing IT and Science as a career. This diversity will filter through in the years to come that will add a different dynamic to the IT teams of the future.”

But how does this affect those who have already established themselves in the IT sector?

Companies or individuals that take advantage of new tools and technologies as they become available will have an advantage over those who are either late adopters or who enter the market at a later date. Therefore, it is integral to the advancement of companies and individuals that there is room for innovation and the creation of value strengths to aid the development of different skills when planning for the inevitable changes within IT. The success of graduate programs and apprentices will hinge on a company’s attitude and ability to plan for the future. Inevitably, Flexibility is key to an IT professionals bid for success.

Author Jessica Aston